About Us

I started PROHIBITED in the early months of 2019, right before the COVID Pandemic. It was an expression of my feelings that I could only show with clothing. I was stuck and locked, but expressing myself through clothing was my only out. The COVID Pandemic hit and I had school to get through, it was difficult to bring awareness to PROHIBITED. 

Not too long after starting PROHIBITED, I was attacked in Venice Beach, California, by skateboarders Haden Mckenna and Sean Imes. My jaw was shattered and part of it was protruding through the bottom of my mouth. 8 screws, 2 titanium plates and months of having a wired shut mouth. Haden and Sean were never charged even after fleeing the scene. Police decided the stories of my 3 friends were biased. This whole incident was a loss. 100k Dollars in surgeries. 

PROHIBITED became very difficult to focus, but I found a focus in streetwear and dark grungy fashion ever since the incident. 

At the beginning of 2022, I became aware of another clothing site under the same name as mine. A group of 11 individuals from Germany started their own site calling it "PROHIBITED" as well. Much of their styling is exact to the styling you will see here on PRHBTD.com. Many of their items were similar to mine, but I cannot do much against 11 people with lots of resources. I tried to distance myself and make the brand into something new but similar. I tried using "PRHBTD" but once again I find that this brand in Germany continues to use similar terms and styling to mine. 

Regardless of how many people try to steal our brand and our name PROHIBITED, regardless of all the ups and downs we are the true registered owners and PROHIBITED will always be true to individuality and its expressions of its original creators.